          真的漢子 / Next Heroes 真的漢子/ 好警察 Must 敢向 government 說不, Challenge government 酒店經紀instead of abuse government power to comm 酒店兼職it crime worse than any street gangsters ever committed. 警察 信用貸款abused government power committed "1.Zhong.7.Gwar" "1.Duck.吃.Shower" crime against 買屋網 absolute righteous rule, must more deserve to be killed than any private street gangster.警察 is "Re G2000n.Mean.The.Bow.Moon", must know better than stupid bad ulgy evil parents how to do the duty to protect people's interests (To d 租房子o his best to keep the wild free life to keep your soil to make sure every powerless forceless desperate poor people can always rely on the wild n 襯衫atural to live and /or die freely) ; when any conflict, violence, happening inside his district, he needs to find out why, and do his duty to root out the problem. 土地買賣Stupid bad ugly evil doers grouped together to fight for power money sex corruption; police has the duty to root those money power sex out; otherwise, you just have no way to deal with that "L 開幕活動yell.B.Drew.Liang.B" happening showing in front of your eyes around the world now.   .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 吳哥窟  .

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